How far along? 23 weeks, 3 days Baby's size? A grapefruit.. an 11.5 inch grapefruit?! Never seen one of those.. This app may need to re-think their fruit.. Milestone? She can hear the world around her (Molly barking, cars honking, etc), not just my heart and voice. Maternity clothes? Mostly.. Except today's...
In Decorating Menu Monday Recipes Weekends
Weekend Wrap Up and Menu Monday
Posted on Monday, August 24, 2015
Pup pup Molly did LOTS of this during the weekend enjoying our new AC! AJ did some touch ups on the nursery walls.. I dug up some more non maternity clothes to add into my maternity boring wardrobe and felt pretty darn cute on Saturday running errands. And...
As always, I am linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea for Friday Favorites! 1. AIR CONDITIONER!!!! Ahhh Thursday was the best day EVER. We finally got a new air conditioner! I was in pajama PANTS and wrapped up in a blanket last night! I got the best sleep of my entire...
How far along? 22 weeks, 3 days Baby's size? A papaya! 11 inches long and 1 whole pound!! Milestone? She sleeps in cycles now (12-14 hours).. I usually feel her stir around right when I wake up and right after dinner. Maternity clothes? Yup. I got the top I'm wearing in this...
Friday night we were some wild and crazy kids.. we started out the evening at Best Buy, looking for some special part AJ needed for rerouting the internet. Then we headed over to Home Depot to buy paint and supplies for the nursery. And we ended the night...
As always, I am linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea for Friday Favorites! 1. Ice Cream Dates I don't know how I JUST discovered there is a Ben & Jerry's less than a mile from our house but I kinda need it weekly... last Friday night we grabbed some cones...
How far along? 21 weeks, 3 days Baby's size? One app says 7 inches, another says 10!! That's a big difference! Who knows. Either way, little girl is not so little any more :) Milestone? One of my apps says she can taste my food now! How stinkin cool is that?? ...
As always, I am linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea for Friday Favorites! 1. Impromptu Date Night We neverrrrr eat out on a week night, but Tuesday we were wild and crazy kids and had an impromptu date night! We had some ahhhmazing poutine from P'tit Soleil . We got a...
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