Baby's size? BIG - he is measuring 3 weeks head. Somewhere around 5.5 pounds and in the 80th percentile.... OW
Milestone? He's good to go! We are just trying to get him to stay in until 37 weeks for his lung development!
Maternity clothes? I live in maternity shorts and tank tops.. and this one gray dress that I got from Goodwill for $4. I literally wear that bad boy twice a week, ha!
Stretch marks? Teeny tiny ones on my back... whatever
Sleep? It's okay. I always wake up at least once, most nights 2-3 times. Having some sharp pains and of course multiple trips to the bathroom. LOVE when I can fit an afternoon nap in :)
Symptoms? Oh the Braxton Hicks are BACK! With Maddie Jane I had them like crazy, and now with him too! Trying to start hydrated to keep them at bay. Lots of pressure in my lower back and lady parts. Also insane heart burn and indgestion to the point of throwing up. I've tried every medicine in the world.. it is, what it is.
Best moment this week? Earlier in my pregnancy, he had fluid on his kidneys that we were monitoring. We went back to the specialist last week and it has completely fixed itself! Hallelujah! And always good to see that nugget and hear his strong heart beat.
Miss Anything? Margaritas.. sushi.. ham sandwich. Being able to eat more than three bites and it not sit on my chest.
Movement? Oh yeah! He is running out of room in there (measuring THREE weeks ahead!!) so the kicks and punches feel like they are going to knock me over!
Food cravings? fruit, ice cream, water, lemonade
Anything making you queasy or sick? Meat.. yuck. Food is hard in general. Just no room for it.
Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah.. and starting to get sympathy looks. Especially when I tell someone I still have 6ish weeks to go!
Gender? BOY!
Labor Signs? Braxton hicks, he is head down, definitely feel everything moving getting prepared for that day!
Belly Button in or out? very out!
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose most of the time.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy.. but tired. A lot going on outside of this pregnancy that's just hard.. so been emotional. This little guy is coming at great time to bring some light and distraction!
Looking forward to? His arrival! Not being pregnant anymore! Seeing what he looks like!! With MJ, we got lots of shots of her profile during ultrasounds. He has buried his face making his way down, so we have NO clue what he looks like! So eager to see!!